These are tin-based alloys with a melting point of between 180 and 270°C which provide very strong solders. Applicable to electronics, sanitation, gas and heating, among other sectors.

They are supplied in different formats, such as reels of wire, rods and small ingots.

Tin-silver/tin-copper alloys

Manufactured with high quality raw materials, in accordance with ISO-9453, these are the most suitable alloys for the connecting copper pipe in sanitation, gas and heating due to its low melting point and its high resistance to pressure and temperature changes.

The most common formats are reels of 100, 250 or 500 grams in wire of 2 mm in diameter, although it is possible to manufacture it in other formats.

Tin-lead alloys

Alloys manufactured in accordance with the EN-9453 standard. The main applications for them are lead solder, zinc plating, gutters, roofs, etc.
They are also used in electronics and braided coils for motors.
Available both in solid section and with a flux inside, as well as rods of different diameters and cross-sections.